2022 Q1 Goals + Recap

I sit here having tested positive for covid-19 last night which feels like a fitting end to 2021. My hope is 2022 will be what 2020 should have been for everyone  


Draft Case for Manager

In the coming year, I will be up for promotion to Manager at EY, and part of the journey is not just showing why I deserve it but also how the business will be better suited with me in an elevated role. Tactically this means I make a written case and then discuss it with leadership. I feel I am already performing at this level so feel confident about my chances. Ultimately it will partially come down to the number of seats our unit is allocated. If its 4 I have a strong chance if 2 it is unlikely. I won’t learn about the decision until spring / summer but the prep work is Jan – march.

  • Recap: Completed well ahead of schedule. I am noticing a subtle balance between being a workhorse and a show horse. There are folks whose work do a bunch of work but don’t let people know about it and then the exact opposite. So to that point I made a one page sell sheet as opposed to the multi page decks that I have seen. 

Tracking spreadsheet

I want to focus more on processes and habits and less on direct goals. My hope is if I can build a better process around how i manage my life and goals everything else will fall into place. I’m tracking across 5 dimensions: meditation, exercise, logging food, personal progress before work, and journaling and only using social media once a day. Given how ingrained work from home is the only thing stopping me from doing this is me mentally making the space at the start / end of my work day  

  • Recap: Did this for 6 weeks and realized it was more of a hindrance than a catalyst. I was mostly good with the habits but the takeaway is I need just bring back journaling that was affected earlier even if it wasn’t digital. 

Two Blog posts

Content has not been a priority for me for a while. I just hired someone to help me push out a few blog posts that are on my queue

  • Posted one and started outlining another. Need to leverage my VA more to help me with this. 

Not To Do List

I wouldn’t quite call them bad habits but I want to be more intentional with how i use my time. Too granular to track but I want to focus on stopping these in the coming quarter

  • Emailing myself reminders – I think of something and then shove it into my inbox to be used later. When its in my inbox it inevitably gets snoozed till later and later and becomes a thorn in my side. Instead I want to add these things to my calendar even if they are months or weeks out. Less processing power needed
    • I cut this down a ton and this is a good reminder. If it is important enough it goes on the calendar instead of living in the inbox. 
  • No social media in bed – I find myself going into scrolling loops before bed and after I wake up. It is not great.
    • 6/10. Was good with separation at the start of the quarter but want to get better
  • Keep my phone in a separate room for most of the day – Similarly to social media my phone takes up too much of my time and attention. Part of the problem is i need it for 2FA for certain work things. I have set it up so my favorites will ring through so i will be accessible in an emergency
    • Same as above 
