2019 Q3 Goals + Recap

[Updated 10/10/19]


Find a job – I have realized over the past few months I miss being part of a team. I want this to be my singular focus so all other things take a back seat. I think I have been doing too much cold applying and not enough “networking”.

  • Success! started working WITH (not FOR) Applico at the start of October. Learned a ton about hiring that I’ll someday soon compile into a “Hiring is broken” blog post.

So the trackable goals are:

  • 60 applications submitted
    • Yes. Easily over 60 jobs. Probably close to 100.
  • 60 asks for leads of people in my network
    • I did this informally but did not track it programmatically

Continue to never have more than 30 minutes unaccounted for on the calendar

  • Would say I was about 60-70% adherent with this


Go from 21.1% body fat to <19.6% which is .5% per month

  • ended september at 19.9. Close but no cigar

Continue to never have more than 30 minutes unaccounted for on calendar

  • Would say I was about 60-70% adherent with this
