2024 Q4 + Recap

  • New project – I’m on the busiest project I’ve had yet with frequent weekend work and am truly busy 9-5 wire to wire often double or triple booked. I’m super lucky that I have the strongest team I’ve had yet on both EY and client side. As with all things in consulting this should probably wind down in the coming month or two. Quickest case december latest probably march. This means I should start networking around for a new project. I’m hoping I can choose based on the team I’ve been working with vs. the normal whatever is available. Wouldn’t mind if my current thing gets extended cause the team is stellar and switching costs are real
    • As of End of Year I am tagged to another project at the same client which brings the normal stress of starting something new. The good thing is I’ll know some of the stakeholders so onboarding should be less of a pain. I’ll consider this done.
  • Stealth 300 – I’m writing this after tweaking my back in a way that makes me feel like i’m the leaning tower of pisa. That and being gone for atleast 2 weeks mean I have to drop the number down a bit. Let’s say 300
    • Did it! My core is yet again feeling stronger than ever. Proud that this was one of those habits that I chunked away at every day.
  • Phone Distance – Was much better with this last quarter. Fine to be on my phone when I’m out and about but there’s really no strong reason for using it at home. If I’m at home the better tool is the laptop or ipad. Will work on keeping my phone away from me during the work day.
    • Not great with this. My screen time is averaging ~5 hours a day and over half of that is from Instagram and Twitter which is not ideal. Partially inflated due to winter break. I do have some good habits like meditation and stretching that are phone centric, so maybe a move is to use my iPad for those.  I’ve re-enabled rules with the Jomo app Stats as follows:
      • Average ~6 hours
      • average pickups 127
      • 108 notifications per day
  • Stretching –  Fell off a bit on this last quarter. I will hit 36 stretching sessions and continue to default to using my standing desk.
    • 17 stretching sessions with one app and probably 3-4 more with another one so let’s say 20. Will be integrating this into my nightly wind down routine
  • Courses – Will complete the virtual communication course and 100 days of AI.
    • Did not finish, will move and modify for next quarter
  • Morning personal development – I’ve definitely fallen off on doing anything before my first meeting of the day and I need to get better. I’d like to focus on at least hitting 1 of the following before work: learning, writing, networking, fitness, stretching
    • Better but not great
  • EY and personal blog post – Both are have stalled but are in progress.
    • Finished the EY blog post need to figure out how to get it up on the website
    • Finished the personal blog post, will post it in January and drafted another post
  • Linkedin/Twitter/Networking – Need to step up my game here and make Linkedin my primary social network. There are few tools that friends have recommended that I want to explore but need to make sure they are on brand and don’t push out thot leader nonsense.
  • Explore investment activities – Post wedding my wife and I want to figure out what active investments we can focus on. Stocks and equities are all fine and dandy but I’m convinced our money can be put to better work elsewhere.  Because of independence restrictions I have definitely slowed down investment activities.
  • Assistant – I get my day job done, but outside of that I’m struggling to make time for other things. I of course can’t outsource the day job but I’d like to find opportunities to hire virtual assistants to help me with the non core activities. The challenge is alot of these activities don’t tie to revenue so its hard to justify the cost. Additionally things like investing, networking are hard to outsource. I’ll reach out to a few agencies that I know of that can place people
    • Bit of a false start on this one. I’m struggling with figuring out exactly what I want to bring on help for. I drafted a job description for initial screening, but realized the more challenging task is to outline the tasks I need so I started a master task list. Will dig into this more next quarter.