“Venture Capital by the people for the people”
The current model of investment requires founders to spend months if not years pitching investors on why their company is the next unicorn. This is an outdated model for the 21st century. There has to be a better way.
What if companies could leverage the communities around their products to earn investment, even if community members can’t write checks.
With One Page Fund this is possible. Here’s how it works.
1. Allocate investment across the top 10 industries currently raising the most Venture Capital dollars.
2. Encourage companies to submit one page describing use of proceeds and submit to one of the above categories
3. Let the voting begin. Product Hunt is the perfect platform to run this experiment on.
One page fund creates a diversified funnel to help later stage investors source deals. It stands to reason that a company that can build the largest following around their brand deserves a small seed investment.